Monday, February 28, 2011

Another 1B patient

I finished up one of my 1B patients today.  I got all 4 quads scaled.  I also passed off my ultra sonic pe.  Today was a stressful day for me.  Some days I feel like I am getting the hang of everything, and then there are days I feel so discouraged and feel like I dont know what I am doing.  Today was one of those days.  Hopefully wednesday goes better. 


I forgot to blog for our lab day..If we are even suppose to.  It was a good feeling going over the PE's so we could start passing them off.  I think I have found a patient for my blood glucose test and my removable appliance pe, which I was stressed about but it is all going to work out!!

Love Clinic on Good Days!!!

I got alot done on my patient today.  I did 4 bwx, the od, scaled 4 quads, 3 sealants, and passed off 2 pe's!! It felt so good getting all that done.  I wish I could be that fast and efficiant on every patient I have.  I am getting stressed that I am not getting all my requirments done in time.  There is only one more clinic day in february and then we have march and 4 clinic sessions in april.  My goal is to just get the minimum requirments done... Lets hope I can do it!!

Another day in clinic!!!!

Wow is all I have to say!! I struggled with x-rays today!! I did 4 bwx which went pretty well.  Then I did 4 pa's on the anterior teeth... This is the part I struggled with.  My patient had a really narrow arch so it was very difficult to get the sensor in his mouth and get a good x-ray.  I had to get alot of help from the instructor and they still did not turn out very well.  Then I got a OD done...Wish I would have got to sclaing but oh well.  I will get better as I keep going..I hope!! Until next clinic!!

Finishing up a class II

I finished up my class II patient that I started at the beging of the semester.  This was a quick and pretty easy appointment, since I only had 1 quad to finish up.  I had time to pass off two PE's so that was nice.  I need to start working on my PE's and getting them done.  Im glad I got a chance to do it on this patient.

Lots of Calculus!!

I scaled a class II patient today with ALOT of calculus on the lower anterior teeth today.  I loved watching it come off with the ultra sonic scaler.  Even after using the ultra sonic sclaer I still had alot to get off hand sclaing.  It was a good experience.  I was alittle dissapointed in my self though because I wanted to get all 4 quads done, but I only got 3 done.  My next class II patient I have my goal is to scale all 4 quads in one appointment because I have already done the OD.  We will see if that happens in a few weeks!!

1B patient

Today I got a OD and a full mouth series of x-rays done on a 1B patient.  I was glad my patient was a class 1B becasue we need so many of them this semester.  The appointment went well.  I feel like I am getting faster with everything.  I hope to be able to get a 1B patient completly done in one appointment soon.  Im getting closer on my pa's..My goal is to try and take pa's on every patient and that way I can get them done. I am bringing my patinet back in a few weeks and finishing her up!!