Thursday, November 17, 2011

Clinic clinic clinic!!!

Well today we only had a morning pt and it was kind of nice!  I brought back a class III patient and finished her last 2 quads.  It was a good day! I felt like everything went smoothly.  I feel like in clinic I seem to have good days and some bad ones were I feel like I am a horible hygienst.  Luckily tolday was a good one and boosted my confidence.  Now we will have our lab after lunch.... I will blog again about it soon!!! 

Last Va for the semester.. Crazy!!

Wow I cant not believe that I had my last VA session of the semester.  Where has this semester gone?? This means boards are right around the corner and I dont feel ready at all! Yikes! Lots of studying ahead.  ALright well so for the VA, I saw two class v patients.  Both such nice patients.  They were pretty quick and easy.  I tried to practice time managment and get them done quicker.  Also I got some PAs yah!!  Oh and I got to clean a two dentures.  One was my patients and one for Karens patient.  Good review on that. Well until next time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

LA class and Dental Materials Lab

Well I dont know about all of you but math is not my best subject!!  The math we learned for LA seems simple if only I could figure out how to do the calculations in my head!! Ah!!!! I have some studying to do.  I hope I am not the only one! Any ideas how to make it easier?   Then in Dental materials lab it was a great review to make models and trim them up and make cleach trays.  It was also fun to learn how to make temporary crowns.  Now we will all be able to do them when we get out into the work field.  Well my goal for this week is to study LA and get the math and all the calculations memorized! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clinic day!!

Well today for my first patient I brought back my mockboard patient.  For mockboards my patient was so apprehensive and it was not a very fun experience for either of us.  This time however went much better.  My patient knew what to expect and was a lot calmer through the whole appointment.  I was able to scale two of her quads, which both had board worthy calculus.  It was good practice to work on her.  Now I just need to bring her back one more time to finish the last quad and also to do sealants.  I have not done any sealants this year so it will be good to get some requirments and refresh myself on how to do them.  Overall, great morning!  My afternoon patient had to leave early so I was able to get the OD done and take bwx and 4 pas.  My goal has been to try and take front pas on all new patients that come in to help me get my requierments and also it is benifical for them to make sure nothing is going on with their front teeth.  Wow, I cant believe that after today we have two more clinic days left.  Where has this semester gone??  Crazy!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good/Bad day!!!

So my  morning was good.  I had a patient come in and I got bwx and 4 pas, so it started out good.  Then to make it even better she was a class III.  I think there is hope that one day I will be able to get 36 quads of a class III.  I was able to finish two quads and scheduled her to come back so I can finish the other quads.  It went great and I didnt miss any spots.  So then my afternoon was the bad part.  I had a spanish speaking pt, which I got bwxs and pas on, so it started out good but then went down hill from there.  She had TONS of CALCULUS!!! More than I have every seen on anyone.  Well me being inpatient decided, oh I can get her whole mouth done.  Not a good Idea.  I scaled and sclaed and scaled and calculus kept coming off and off and off.  I went over every quad, but went back through at the end and explored and of course there was still calculus.  So I had to just say I did a fm debridment.  I felt horrible.  Lesson learned though.... Be patient and work on one quad until you have it complete and then you can move on to the other quads.  So I learned a good lesson out of my bad afternoon.  Great pt though!  So hopefully now I can follow this lesson I learned. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well yesterday I went to the VA and now I only have one more clinic at the va this semester... crazy!! The day started our rough with crazy weather driving down but it ended up being a productive day.  I saw three patients and got two quads of a class III, which is what I need.  I have all my requirments for all the quads for the semester but I dont have very many class III,  So for the rest of the semester that is what I am hoping for!!  Well I always seem to learn new things every clinic session and this time was the same.  Today instructor Poulson showed me how she likes to use the indiana on the mandibular anterior teeth on the linguals.  Its always fun to learn new tricks to make certain spots easier.  I am going to try it again to see if I really like it.  Well until next time...