Saturday, October 29, 2011

Childrens Health Connection

Okay so I know the childrens health connection was a few weeks ago, but I wanted to blog about it to reflect on my experience.  At the health connection my table clinic group did our research for our project.  We were in the waiting area with our Ipads that had our research game on it, Keep Your Teeth.  It was a really fun game and the children seemed to really enjoy playing it while they waited for their appointments.  We got alot of good research as we observed them and as we surveyed them after playing the game.  We video taped everything, so now it will be fun to go back and watch how it really went.  Also I had the oppurtunity to go into the clinic and help out inbetween doing our research.  I helped steralization and also helped with a few cleanings and did some sealants.  I think the childrens health connection is such a good service for the children in the Ogden community.  I am so glad that I had the oppurtunity to help serve for this great clinic day.


So I wanted to blog about my CA days... It was a week ago, but I wanted to reflect on how being a CA at both wsu and the va is helpful.  So I loved being CA at the va!  It was such a good review for me to help everyone who had clinic.   It was a good review on how to use the system at the va on the computer by doing it over again with different people.  Now that the semester is about to end and I have two more clinic days at the va and I think I have the system down and know how to chart and do notes!! Yeah!  Then being CA at wsu was so helpful also.  It is a good reminder to remember how to use the autoclaves, test the x-ray processors, and stocking everything up helped me remember where everything is at!! It was also fun to be with the girls that are in the other clinic than I am.  I helped them chart and clean up!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Clinic Day!

I felt like today in clinic was a good productive day!  Got to love those days!!! My morning patient was only a 1b but I was able to get 2 Pas, a pano, give LA, and pass off the caries risk assessment PE.  I love that 1b patients are so easy and quick so that you have time to do PE's like the caries risk assessment.  Giving LA today was fun... I thought I would be nervous because it was my first REAL patient that I have gave an injection but it wasn't bad at all.  Then in the afternoon I had a patient come in and I took bwx and some PA's and after charting he ended up being a class 4.  YEAH!!! It is fun to have a challenge and you can learn alot I feel from harder patients.  I will be bringing him back to get him finished up.  One thing I learned from working on this patient was I need to pay more attention to reccesion and chart what I find.  Overall great clinic day!! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Local Anesthesia Lab

I was so excited to do our last local aneshesia lab.  I found it really fun to give injections.... just not so fun recieving them.  It was alot of injections doing the maxillary and mandibular arches.  I feel like I did well, I need to improve on giving the left PSA.  I felt like getting the right angle for the left PSA is really a struggle.  I hope as I give more injection through out the year it will get easier.  Besides that it went well.  Now to give them to real patients!!!


Well the one thing I learned for mockboards was what kind of patient that I don't want to have for the other mockboards and real boards.  My patient had great qualifications, more than 12 clicks of calculus per quad, no fillings and a great dentition.  I went into to mockboards ready to do great.  Well this was the first time my patient had ever had her teeth cleaned, and has never had anyother work done.   She was so sensitive, even being numb, she wouldnt let me use the ultrasonic, and was just scared the whole appointment.  It was frustrating for me because I really wanted to take full advantage of this mockboard and to do good, but it was hard to get anything done on her.  I missed some spots, but still passed.  Im glad I passed but didn't do as good as I wanted.  When looking for another mockboard or board patient I am going to look for someone who qualifies but also it tolerate of coming to the dental office for a cleaning and understands what I will be doing.  It will be another fun experience when I finish this patient.