Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Last clinic

Wow what a day!! Crazy weather! I can't believe that my patient came to his appointment in this crazy wind storm.  On a positive note I got two quads of a class IV done and passed off my last PE for the semester periodontal files.  Then as you all already know, the rest of clinic and school got cancelled for the day.  I can not beleive the semsester is pretty much over... All I have left is the final tests for the semester.  Then one semester left and 5 boards and we are done!! YEAH!!  Oh and my poor car got beat up in the storm.. Sad!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Clinic clinic clinic!!!

Well today we only had a morning pt and it was kind of nice!  I brought back a class III patient and finished her last 2 quads.  It was a good day! I felt like everything went smoothly.  I feel like in clinic I seem to have good days and some bad ones were I feel like I am a horible hygienst.  Luckily tolday was a good one and boosted my confidence.  Now we will have our lab after lunch.... I will blog again about it soon!!! 

Last Va for the semester.. Crazy!!

Wow I cant not believe that I had my last VA session of the semester.  Where has this semester gone?? This means boards are right around the corner and I dont feel ready at all! Yikes! Lots of studying ahead.  ALright well so for the VA, I saw two class v patients.  Both such nice patients.  They were pretty quick and easy.  I tried to practice time managment and get them done quicker.  Also I got some PAs yah!!  Oh and I got to clean a two dentures.  One was my patients and one for Karens patient.  Good review on that. Well until next time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

LA class and Dental Materials Lab

Well I dont know about all of you but math is not my best subject!!  The math we learned for LA seems simple if only I could figure out how to do the calculations in my head!! Ah!!!! I have some studying to do.  I hope I am not the only one! Any ideas how to make it easier?   Then in Dental materials lab it was a great review to make models and trim them up and make cleach trays.  It was also fun to learn how to make temporary crowns.  Now we will all be able to do them when we get out into the work field.  Well my goal for this week is to study LA and get the math and all the calculations memorized! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clinic day!!

Well today for my first patient I brought back my mockboard patient.  For mockboards my patient was so apprehensive and it was not a very fun experience for either of us.  This time however went much better.  My patient knew what to expect and was a lot calmer through the whole appointment.  I was able to scale two of her quads, which both had board worthy calculus.  It was good practice to work on her.  Now I just need to bring her back one more time to finish the last quad and also to do sealants.  I have not done any sealants this year so it will be good to get some requirments and refresh myself on how to do them.  Overall, great morning!  My afternoon patient had to leave early so I was able to get the OD done and take bwx and 4 pas.  My goal has been to try and take front pas on all new patients that come in to help me get my requierments and also it is benifical for them to make sure nothing is going on with their front teeth.  Wow, I cant believe that after today we have two more clinic days left.  Where has this semester gone??  Crazy!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good/Bad day!!!

So my  morning was good.  I had a patient come in and I got bwx and 4 pas, so it started out good.  Then to make it even better she was a class III.  I think there is hope that one day I will be able to get 36 quads of a class III.  I was able to finish two quads and scheduled her to come back so I can finish the other quads.  It went great and I didnt miss any spots.  So then my afternoon was the bad part.  I had a spanish speaking pt, which I got bwxs and pas on, so it started out good but then went down hill from there.  She had TONS of CALCULUS!!! More than I have every seen on anyone.  Well me being inpatient decided, oh I can get her whole mouth done.  Not a good Idea.  I scaled and sclaed and scaled and calculus kept coming off and off and off.  I went over every quad, but went back through at the end and explored and of course there was still calculus.  So I had to just say I did a fm debridment.  I felt horrible.  Lesson learned though.... Be patient and work on one quad until you have it complete and then you can move on to the other quads.  So I learned a good lesson out of my bad afternoon.  Great pt though!  So hopefully now I can follow this lesson I learned. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well yesterday I went to the VA and now I only have one more clinic at the va this semester... crazy!! The day started our rough with crazy weather driving down but it ended up being a productive day.  I saw three patients and got two quads of a class III, which is what I need.  I have all my requirments for all the quads for the semester but I dont have very many class III,  So for the rest of the semester that is what I am hoping for!!  Well I always seem to learn new things every clinic session and this time was the same.  Today instructor Poulson showed me how she likes to use the indiana on the mandibular anterior teeth on the linguals.  Its always fun to learn new tricks to make certain spots easier.  I am going to try it again to see if I really like it.  Well until next time...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Childrens Health Connection

Okay so I know the childrens health connection was a few weeks ago, but I wanted to blog about it to reflect on my experience.  At the health connection my table clinic group did our research for our project.  We were in the waiting area with our Ipads that had our research game on it, Keep Your Teeth.  It was a really fun game and the children seemed to really enjoy playing it while they waited for their appointments.  We got alot of good research as we observed them and as we surveyed them after playing the game.  We video taped everything, so now it will be fun to go back and watch how it really went.  Also I had the oppurtunity to go into the clinic and help out inbetween doing our research.  I helped steralization and also helped with a few cleanings and did some sealants.  I think the childrens health connection is such a good service for the children in the Ogden community.  I am so glad that I had the oppurtunity to help serve for this great clinic day.


So I wanted to blog about my CA days... It was a week ago, but I wanted to reflect on how being a CA at both wsu and the va is helpful.  So I loved being CA at the va!  It was such a good review for me to help everyone who had clinic.   It was a good review on how to use the system at the va on the computer by doing it over again with different people.  Now that the semester is about to end and I have two more clinic days at the va and I think I have the system down and know how to chart and do notes!! Yeah!  Then being CA at wsu was so helpful also.  It is a good reminder to remember how to use the autoclaves, test the x-ray processors, and stocking everything up helped me remember where everything is at!! It was also fun to be with the girls that are in the other clinic than I am.  I helped them chart and clean up!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Clinic Day!

I felt like today in clinic was a good productive day!  Got to love those days!!! My morning patient was only a 1b but I was able to get 2 Pas, a pano, give LA, and pass off the caries risk assessment PE.  I love that 1b patients are so easy and quick so that you have time to do PE's like the caries risk assessment.  Giving LA today was fun... I thought I would be nervous because it was my first REAL patient that I have gave an injection but it wasn't bad at all.  Then in the afternoon I had a patient come in and I took bwx and some PA's and after charting he ended up being a class 4.  YEAH!!! It is fun to have a challenge and you can learn alot I feel from harder patients.  I will be bringing him back to get him finished up.  One thing I learned from working on this patient was I need to pay more attention to reccesion and chart what I find.  Overall great clinic day!! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Local Anesthesia Lab

I was so excited to do our last local aneshesia lab.  I found it really fun to give injections.... just not so fun recieving them.  It was alot of injections doing the maxillary and mandibular arches.  I feel like I did well, I need to improve on giving the left PSA.  I felt like getting the right angle for the left PSA is really a struggle.  I hope as I give more injection through out the year it will get easier.  Besides that it went well.  Now to give them to real patients!!!


Well the one thing I learned for mockboards was what kind of patient that I don't want to have for the other mockboards and real boards.  My patient had great qualifications, more than 12 clicks of calculus per quad, no fillings and a great dentition.  I went into to mockboards ready to do great.  Well this was the first time my patient had ever had her teeth cleaned, and has never had anyother work done.   She was so sensitive, even being numb, she wouldnt let me use the ultrasonic, and was just scared the whole appointment.  It was frustrating for me because I really wanted to take full advantage of this mockboard and to do good, but it was hard to get anything done on her.  I missed some spots, but still passed.  Im glad I passed but didn't do as good as I wanted.  When looking for another mockboard or board patient I am going to look for someone who qualifies but also it tolerate of coming to the dental office for a cleaning and understands what I will be doing.  It will be another fun experience when I finish this patient. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Another day in clinic

So today I was hoping to find a mockboard patient, but no luck!!  What am I going to do??? One more clinic day to find one.... wish me luck!! Well my first patient was a good experience, she had some tough calculus to get off, which ended up being really fun to get off, but did take some work.  Love how it excites us to get calcus off!  My second patient was so easy a 1b.  Passed off a pe.  I need to get on top of doing pe's or else I am going to get behind.  Well until next time... and then mockboards!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Local Anesthesia

Wow, I am surprised at how much I loved giving injections, but I really did not like getting them.  I was so not looking forward to our LA labs, but now looking back I can't believed I was so worried.  I thought most of them were relatively easy.  They only thing that was a little scary for me was on the PA and the IA penetrating the needle to the sight of deposition was a little nerve racking! Overall both last Friday and this Friday labs were great!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last monday in clinic

Today was our last monday in clinic for first year.  Time sure has flown by.  My patient today needed a pano so I did that and got that requirment done!! Yeah.  Then I just did an OD and passed off my Diagnadent Pe.  I really like the dignodent.  My patient had dental insurance so did not want a cleaning so I ended with ohi.  I was so nervous today with doing everything and i dont know why.  My new goal is to be confidnete in myself with knowing what I am doing. One more clinic day...Until then!!

Another 1b patient

After these 4 quads today I have finished my 1b quad requirmetns.  Feels good to get requirments done.  This was an easy class 1b cleaning.  I took 4 bwx and 3 pa's and finished my bwx and pa requirmetns also. My patient was so concerned about her oral helath so it was a good experience teaching her ohi and how she can reverse her gingivitis.  I cant believe clinic is almost over... Until next time.

Class 2

Today I had a patient come in that i was hoping needed a pano, but he didnt need any x-rays.  He ended up being a class 2 patient.  I was already done with my class 2's but i decided to still clean him.  In the middle of the appiontment my chair light went off.  I told mr salomon and he came and changed the light bulb but it still wouldnt work.  I waited around FOREVER (well it felt like forever) but it still was not working.  So finally I changed chairs and finished the cleaning.  I missed more spots then I probably should have because I was feeling rushed on time.  I hope the next clinic time goes better.  It was good learning experience cleaning another class two patient though.  The calculus on his lower anteriors were so hard to get off, so I learned form that.


Today I saw two 1a patients.  My first 1a patient had so much staining.  I tried sclaing it off and then rubber cup polishing it off but it just wasnt coming off.  So then I decided to use the airpowder polisher and pass of my pe.  I have been scared to do the airpowder polish pe, but it actullay went really well.  It got all of the staining off and I was complemented on my technique with it.  My next 1 a patinet had a little bit of sheet calculs but rather than that was easy to clean.  I did 3 sealants on her.

Class 3

Today was a big day for me... Cleaning my class 3 patient.  I like how with the class three it seemed to be easier to feel the calculus and remove it because it was so obvious.  I did miss spots but it was a good learning experience.  I hope next year i will improve so that class 3's will become easier. 

1b patient

Today was a great day in clinic.  I am getting faster.  It feel so great to be able to start a 1b patient and get them completly done.  I have been so lucky this semester and have had so many family memeber been my pateints so they have been reliable.  I took vertical bwx with schick.  Wow that is hard with the cord.  I think I am going to try and stick to the other methods of x-rays when i am doing vertical bxw.  It was a good learning experience though.  Until next time!!

I hope I remember what I am doing

Coming back to clinic after a week off i am hoping i remember everything!! It has me nervous for the summer and forgetting everything.  Well today I saw a 1b patient and got to take a pano on him, which I am so glad because I am in need of pano's.  My patient did not seem to have very much calculus so it was like i was just de-plaughing.  It was a good day in clinic and I feel like I am getting faster.  I went from start to finish and got him done in one appointment.  I hope I can keep improving in the amount of time I take to scale.

I found my Class 3!!!!!!

Okay so I have gotten behing in blogging so I am taking time to catch up.  So on the 9th I found my class 3 patient!! I was so excited and relieved!! I was so nervous that It was going to be hard to fine one to get all my requirments done, but I found one and everything is working out.  I did the OD took BWX and did 5 PA's.  The next appointment to finish this patient I hope I can get all four quads done because he only wants to come back one more time.  He is missing some teeth so I think it will be possible!! Good day in clinic!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Another great day in clinic

Today I saw a class 5 patient.  He has great oral hygiene, so he had very little calculus.  It was a quick and easy cleaning.  I passed off my subgingival universal PE and also my patient had a removable brigde so I passed of my Removable appliance PE.  I only missed one spot of calculus. I feel like  am getting better at feeling and instrumentaion to get it off.  My goal is to get better at my angulation.  I seem to angle it too much.. It kind of is a bad habit I have gotten into.  So my next day of instrumentation I am going to concentrate more on angulation. Until next time...Im hoping my patient on wednesday is a class 3, wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Day in Clinic!!

Today I finished up a 1B patient.  I did the glucose PE and the intraoral carmera PE.  Then I scaled 4 quads on my patient.  I didn't miss any spots, it was great!! After monday I was so discouraged and today helped me to realize that I am getting better.  I also did 2 sealants on Marens patient.  Thanks Maren for letting me.  Next monday I hope to sclae 4 quads on a class 2/5 patient. Is it possible? I hope!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Another 1B patient

I finished up one of my 1B patients today.  I got all 4 quads scaled.  I also passed off my ultra sonic pe.  Today was a stressful day for me.  Some days I feel like I am getting the hang of everything, and then there are days I feel so discouraged and feel like I dont know what I am doing.  Today was one of those days.  Hopefully wednesday goes better. 


I forgot to blog for our lab day..If we are even suppose to.  It was a good feeling going over the PE's so we could start passing them off.  I think I have found a patient for my blood glucose test and my removable appliance pe, which I was stressed about but it is all going to work out!!

Love Clinic on Good Days!!!

I got alot done on my patient today.  I did 4 bwx, the od, scaled 4 quads, 3 sealants, and passed off 2 pe's!! It felt so good getting all that done.  I wish I could be that fast and efficiant on every patient I have.  I am getting stressed that I am not getting all my requirments done in time.  There is only one more clinic day in february and then we have march and 4 clinic sessions in april.  My goal is to just get the minimum requirments done... Lets hope I can do it!!

Another day in clinic!!!!

Wow is all I have to say!! I struggled with x-rays today!! I did 4 bwx which went pretty well.  Then I did 4 pa's on the anterior teeth... This is the part I struggled with.  My patient had a really narrow arch so it was very difficult to get the sensor in his mouth and get a good x-ray.  I had to get alot of help from the instructor and they still did not turn out very well.  Then I got a OD done...Wish I would have got to sclaing but oh well.  I will get better as I keep going..I hope!! Until next clinic!!

Finishing up a class II

I finished up my class II patient that I started at the beging of the semester.  This was a quick and pretty easy appointment, since I only had 1 quad to finish up.  I had time to pass off two PE's so that was nice.  I need to start working on my PE's and getting them done.  Im glad I got a chance to do it on this patient.

Lots of Calculus!!

I scaled a class II patient today with ALOT of calculus on the lower anterior teeth today.  I loved watching it come off with the ultra sonic scaler.  Even after using the ultra sonic sclaer I still had alot to get off hand sclaing.  It was a good experience.  I was alittle dissapointed in my self though because I wanted to get all 4 quads done, but I only got 3 done.  My next class II patient I have my goal is to scale all 4 quads in one appointment because I have already done the OD.  We will see if that happens in a few weeks!!

1B patient

Today I got a OD and a full mouth series of x-rays done on a 1B patient.  I was glad my patient was a class 1B becasue we need so many of them this semester.  The appointment went well.  I feel like I am getting faster with everything.  I hope to be able to get a 1B patient completly done in one appointment soon.  Im getting closer on my pa's..My goal is to try and take pa's on every patient and that way I can get them done. I am bringing my patinet back in a few weeks and finishing her up!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Another class II

Today I did another OD.  I got another class II patient.  I have all the class II's I need for the semester so hopefully I will start getting some 1b patients.  I passed off my submarginal explorer PE.  Also I got some more bwx's .  I need to start doing more pa's.  Next week I will finish this patient so until then!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Class II

So today I brought back one of my class II patients.  I was hoping to finish al the quads, but I only go three done.  I just needed like 10 more minutes but oh well.  It was a good experience and instructor Hafen helped me out a ton!! As I was sclaing some of her teeth with deep pockets pus kept coming out... New experience.   I feel more comfotable scaling and passed off my anterior sclaing PE.  I will be bringing her back to finish the one quad.

Another Day in Clinic...

So today seemed to be a off day for me in clinic.  My HHX seemed to take me forever to do.  When they said sometimes the HHX can take up most of the appointment it is true... Well i think it took me like an hour.  It is so time consuming to look up medication and ecspecially if they have alot.  I took x-rays and atleast I didnt have to take any retakes.  I have decided after this appointment that my weak point is doing ODs... I like scaling much better than doing everything involved with ODs.  But I guess as I keep doing them I will improve..I hope!!! My patient was a class II for two quads and a class V for the other two.  So now I have a total of 8 class II quads.

1B patient

Still catching up on blogging... On Jan 19 I had my sister in-law come as my patient.  She ended up being a 1B which I was glad of because we need so many of them this semester.  I took xrays did the OD, OHI, and scaled one quad.  I was stressed though becuase I didnt have time to pass off a PE and I feel like I am behind in doing them.  I will be bringing her back to finish. 

1A patient

Well I have gotten behind in bloggin so on jan 12 I had a ten year old patient who actually was my niece.  It was so fun to teach her about her mouth and how to keep it healthy.  I was alot less stressful of an appointment which was nice.  I took BWX and finished all 4 quads.  I was hoping that she needed sealants but she didnt.  Hopefully some of my other patients will need them.  Overall this appt went really well!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today I saw a new patient that I did not know.  I was so nervous, but it went very well.  I got to the OHI.  I mainly just did the OD.  It is getting easier.  She was a class 2 so she is coming back.  I hope I can get it all done in the next appointment.  On wed I am doing a 10 year old so that will be fun!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First patient in clinic

Today I did my first patient of the semester.  It was a good review.  I need to work on my sclaing.  I hope that i feel more comfortable as the semester goes on.  I got 4 quads done and 2 pas.  So i got some requierments done.  I have a new patient on wednesday!! Good luck to me.  Until then

Monday, January 3, 2011

1st day of spring clinic

Well today was our first day of clinic for spring semester.  Im excited but scared for it!  It will be an adventure I am sure.  Today we learned how to use the ultra sonic and gracies.  Also we talked about treatment planning.  Overall it was a good first day of clinic.  Hopefully it keeps going well.  Wednsday I do my first patient of the semester.  Good luck for me!!