Monday, March 7, 2011

Another great day in clinic

Today I saw a class 5 patient.  He has great oral hygiene, so he had very little calculus.  It was a quick and easy cleaning.  I passed off my subgingival universal PE and also my patient had a removable brigde so I passed of my Removable appliance PE.  I only missed one spot of calculus. I feel like  am getting better at feeling and instrumentaion to get it off.  My goal is to get better at my angulation.  I seem to angle it too much.. It kind of is a bad habit I have gotten into.  So my next day of instrumentation I am going to concentrate more on angulation. Until next time...Im hoping my patient on wednesday is a class 3, wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Day in Clinic!!

Today I finished up a 1B patient.  I did the glucose PE and the intraoral carmera PE.  Then I scaled 4 quads on my patient.  I didn't miss any spots, it was great!! After monday I was so discouraged and today helped me to realize that I am getting better.  I also did 2 sealants on Marens patient.  Thanks Maren for letting me.  Next monday I hope to sclae 4 quads on a class 2/5 patient. Is it possible? I hope!