Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last Va for the semester.. Crazy!!

Wow I cant not believe that I had my last VA session of the semester.  Where has this semester gone?? This means boards are right around the corner and I dont feel ready at all! Yikes! Lots of studying ahead.  ALright well so for the VA, I saw two class v patients.  Both such nice patients.  They were pretty quick and easy.  I tried to practice time managment and get them done quicker.  Also I got some PAs yah!!  Oh and I got to clean a two dentures.  One was my patients and one for Karens patient.  Good review on that. Well until next time.


  1. Hey girly I know how you feel about the uneasiness of upcoming freaks me out too! I think how nice the dec. break will be and the I get a rush of adrenaline followed by nausea:) happy studying!

  2. agreed! If i think about it too much i start shaking!
